

Proteasome-independent polyubiquitin linkage regulates synapse scaffolding, efficacy, and plasticity


Ma, Q., Ruan, H., Peng, L., Zhang, M., Gack, M. U., & Yao, W. D. (2017).  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences114(41), E8760-E8769.

Ubiquitination-directed proteasomal degradation of synaptic proteins, presumably mediated by lysine 48 (K48) of ubiquitin, is a key mechanism in synapse and neural circuit remodeling. However, more than half of polyubiquitin (polyUb) species in the mammalian brain are estimated to be non-K48; among them, the most abundant is Lys 63 (K63)-linked polyUb chains that do not tag substrates for degradation but rather modify their properties and activity. Virtually nothing is known about the role of these nonproteolytic polyUb chains at the synapse. Here we report that K63-polyUb chains play a significant role in postsynaptic protein scaffolding and synaptic strength and plasticity. We found that the postsynaptic scaffold PSD-95 (postsynaptic density protein 95) undergoes K63 polyubiquitination, which markedly modifies PSD-95’s scaffolding potentials, enables its synaptic targeting, and promotes synapse maturation and efficacy. TNF receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) is identified as a direct E3 ligase for PSD-95, which, together with the E2 complex Ubc13/Uev1a, assembles K63-chains on PSD-95. In contrast, CYLD (cylindromatosis tumor-suppressor protein), a K63-specific deubiquitinase enriched in postsynaptic densities, cleaves K63-chains from PSD-95. We found that neuronal activity exerts potent control of global and synaptic K63-polyUb levels and, through NMDA receptors, drives rapid, CYLD-mediated PSD-95 deubiquitination, mobilizing and depleting PSD-95 from synapses. Silencing CYLD in hippocampal neurons abolishes NMDA-induced chemical long-term depression. Our results unveil a previously unsuspected role for nonproteolytic polyUb chains in the synapse and illustrate a mechanism by which a PSD-associated K63-linkage–specific ubiquitin machinery acts on a major postsynaptic scaffold to regulate synapse organization, function, and plasticity.

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