Paxbp1 controls a key checkpoint for cell growth and survival during early activation of quiescent muscle satellite cells
2021.03.22Zhou, S., Han, L., Weng, M., Zhu, H., Heng, Y., Wang, G., ... Zhang, M., & Wu, Z. (2021). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(13), e2021093118.
Adult mouse muscle satellite cells (MuSCs) are quiescent in uninjured muscles. Upon muscle injury, MuSCs exit quiescence, reenter the cell cycle to proliferate and self-renew, and then differentiate and fuse to drive muscle regeneration. However, it remains poorly understood how MuSCs transition from quiescence to the cycling state. Here, we report that Pax3 and Pax7 binding protein 1 (Paxbp1) controls a key checkpoint during this critical transition. Deletion of Paxbp1 in adult MuSCs prevented them from reentering the cell cycle upon injury, resulting in a total regeneration failure. Mechanistically, we found an abnormal elevation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Paxbp1- null MuSCs, which induced p53 activation and impaired mTORC1 signaling, leading to defective cell growth, apoptosis, and failure in S-phase reentry. Deliberate ROS reduction partially rescued the cellcycle reentry defect in mutant MuSCs. Our study reveals that Paxbp1 regulates a late cell-growth checkpoint essential for quiescent MuSCs to reenter the cell cycle upon activation.
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